Press About the Evidence-Based Paradigms Explored in the Film
Nathaniel Frank writes in the Washington Post: “Neuroplastic pain treatment has become a rare and exciting example of practitioners and patients coming together to help reduce suffering on a wide scale.”
“The view that chronic pain originates in the brain — that it’s fundamentally a psychological phenomenon, and can be eliminated by altering thoughts, beliefs and feelings rather than by changing something in the body or flooding it with chemicals — has long been controversial and is still largely dismissed as New Age hooey or offensive victim-blaming. But what started out as a hunch by health-care practitioners on the fringe is finally being proved true by science.”
Gimlet Media produced a great introductory podcast for “Science Vs” on chronic pain and Pain Reprocessing Therapy featuring Lorimer Moseley, PhD, and Alan Gordon, LCSW. Highly recommend!
CBS story on the same promising, peer-reviewed study of Pain Reprocessing Therapy:
Juno DeMelo at The New York Times (Nov. 9, 2021)
“You can find the off switch.” […] The bottom line, according to Dr. Howard Schubiner, is that “all pain is real, and all pain is generated by the brain. […] Whether pain is triggered by stress or physical injury, the brain generates the sensations. […] And — this is a mind-blowing concept — it’s not just reflecting what it feels, it’s deciding whether to turn pain on or off.”
NPR: “Can You Reshape Your Brain’s Response To Pain?” June 10, 2019
Press About This Might Hurt
“By the end of the film, you’ll be reflecting on why physicians are so quick to prescribe opioids and saddened for the countless people in the throes of addiction that haven’t heard about this type of forward-thinking treatment or don’t have access to physicians in their communities that practice it.” - Alison Ficklin, from her review at, May 4, 2022
NBC Right Now names This Might Hurt as an “Essential Documentary on the Opioid Crisis,” Jan 18, 2022
Podcast Interview with This Might Hurt director Kent bassett
CBS’s daytime talk show “The Doctors” features This Might Hurt and Dr. Howard Schubiner as he explains the five steps to unlearn pain:
Director Kent Bassett and Howard Schubiner, MD appear on CBS Today to talk about This Might Hurt: