This Might Hurt is offering powerful solutions for chronic pain, but most people still haven’t heard of these ideas.

A majority of patients are still being treated with opioids, injections, and surgeries; in psychotherapy, it’s outdated coping skills.
So we’re raising funds for an outreach campaign to create affordable screenings for diverse audiences across the globe. Each screening will publicize these new, evidence-based treatments that offer a pathway to healing for millions. We’re a scrappy team of indie filmmakers and could use your help. 💪


For small-dollar donations, please use the form below (which allows for Venmo, Paypal, Credit Card, and bank transfers).
To make a tax-deductible donation, you may do so here.
🎥 Please email us if you’re interested in becoming an executive producer of This Might Hurt.


host a screening

These screenings are a wonderful way to build community and start dialogues that can make a huge impact on people’s lives. And they’re fun!


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