The mind/body revolution: check out The Guardian's take!

On our team Slack channel we couldn’t help but share around this great article by The Guardian! And it’s not just us feeling the excitement. In Dr. Schubiner’s most recent newsletter, he also sent it around. (Great minds…right?)

This quote really stood out:

“People say, ‘Well, obviously the body is involved in mental health – what do you mean you guys are just now discovering this?’” But it is one thing to understand that food poisoning might come along with misery, for instance, or anxiety with higher heart rate and perspiration, and quite another to accept the science that shows…that “everything is physical and psychological” - Camilla Nord, author of The Balanced Brain

If you haven’t had a chance to read it, CHECK IT OUT!

As more and more people learn about this important work we continue to be steadfast in bringing screenings of our film to anyone and everyone who is interested. As always, feel free to write to us with any thoughts about this or ideas of who we should connect with: !